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公司簡介 COMPANY MANUAI 珍好饌食品對於餐飲的投入及專業已有27年之久,秉持著這些年對顧客需求及喜好的認知,以餐廳精緻細膩的手法,做出道地台灣味的XO好伴為珍好饌食品的主要商品,也因台灣本地給予極大的肯定繼而秉持著把愛傳出去的精神,積極規劃海外行銷的方式及通路,希望讓大家都能享受到本公司XO好伴的美味。 Shin-Tong-Wang Co., Ltd. with good reputation in the cuisine industry has provided seafood and local delicacies in Taiwan for more than 27 years, Exquisite methods have been developing many delicacies , such as an acceptable an XO sauce with Taiwanese taste , acting as main products. Due to great support by the local customers, Shin-Tong-Wang Co now continues dedicating to arranging overseas channels. Based on the spirit of the dissemination of love held by Shin-Tong-Wang , we disseminate such delicacies to everyone/everywhere that may also allow the public to enjoy the delicacy, XO sauce of
We are Guangzhou Aiqi Exhibition Corp. Our company specializes in holding different kinds of big exhibitions. In the past July, we have just finished an international stone exhibition in Pazhou of Guangzhou successfully. So we will keep up the good work and plan to hold the 9th stone exhibition on the date of July 8-10, 2015.
Business Type: Export Manufacturer and Exporter. Export Markets: Global Welcome #OEM or #ODM. made your product perfect !! Specializing in the production of bicycle locks, motorcycle locks, CABLE locks (anti-theft locks), U-type locks Various Building Materials Hardware/ Bicycle Parts/ Motorcycle Parts/ Disk Brake/ Gearwheel/ All Hinges and Chain. Rerlly industrial manufacture franchise locks or anti-theft lock that all have more than 20 years of experience, currently exported to Europe, the United States, Japan and many other countries. The company pursues the "sincere craftsmanship, customer-oriented, quality-oriented" purposes, professional ODM design bicycles, electric cars, locomotives and a variety of high-security anti-theft lock production. Provide customers with higher quality and more services. Rerlly Industrial’s TOP DOG brand; technology originated in the fierce years of the fifties, the old chairman traveled to Japan to learn the repair technology of aircraft and ships, and the second-generation chairman also studied precision machinery design in the 1980’s in Japan. Automatic process control until the establishment of Taiwan Riel Industrial Co., Ltd. with a group of love-loving machinery partners in the 1990s. In 2005,Wuhan Libangruer Technology Development Co., Ltd. was established in Wuhan, China as a TOP DOG mainland distributor.
品牌故事 來自合歡山拓春園的Gaga茶 南投.合歡山 海拔兩千一百公尺的翠巒力行部落位於合歡山脈,上天賦予這塊土地得天獨厚的條件,土壤適合,溫差大,加上從秋季到初春常有降雪,這裡生產的茶,有著獨特的高冷氣味和果香,清新甘甜,回韻悠揚。這裡住著一群泰雅族原住民茶農,每天勤懇地耕耘,細心的照料著他們祖先留下來的茶園。 夢想的開端,我們以幫助原住民初衷之心,投入經營茶葉事業,秉持以創新、用心、愛心建立「拓春園」優良品牌;希望藉由品牌行銷以及多年的國際貿易經驗,能夠將台灣的優質好茶推向國際市場。我們希望從「拓春園」出發,透過新的合作模式,讓茶農能得到合理的收入,未來且能擴大供應鏈,幫助更多原住民自力更生、使年輕的原住民能返鄉共同為他們的家園打拼。 全球.The Gaga Tea 「拓春園」的品牌英文名為The Gaga。Gaga是泰雅族語,意涵是人與自然萬物互敬互愛,內涵則包括基於祖靈信仰而形成的共同規範、社會誡律,以及共勞共用的精神等。就像奉行Gaga誡律,拓春園的茶葉,採用自然生態農法栽植,尊重生態平衡的作法,使得生長出來的茶葉保留無污染的茶香原味;我們每批茶葉,經過SGS認證,完全符合衛生署農藥殘留標準,以確保消費者喝的安心、健康。加上經由我們老師傅二十多年經驗的獨特烘焙手法,更讓茶葉的品質達到極致。「拓春園」矢志要做出最優質的茶葉,成為台灣茶的精品,除了把優質台灣茶葉的榮耀推向國際舞台,更要讓茶農得到共勞共用的合理回報。 We, TOPANY INTERNATIONAL CORP. is a tea grower, producer and exporter. Our brand “The Gaga” is not influenced by the fame gained by Lady Gaga lately. “Gaga” is a word from language of Taiwan’s Atayal Tribe. It means human beings care, respect and love the creatures in the Universe. The concept of Gaga includes obligation towards social discipline, the spirit of sharing rewards of co-working and coexistence, which are rooted in the faith of ancestors. Just like pursuing and following the discipline, our growers commit to sustain environment by adopting agricultural procedures like reducing the use of chemicals in tea farms. It is not only environmental friendly approach but also give surely to our consumers how tea is produced on the farm by minimizing detrimental environmental impacts while keeping in mind health and safety of the workers along with a safer and healthier product to consume. We are committed to grow and produce superior quality tea to let “The Gaga Tea” brand becomes the best brand of Taiwan tea around the world, as well as help our growers to receive optimal return of their hard work.
Amer Sports (www.amersports.com) is the world’s leading sports equipment company with internationally recognized brands including Salomon, Wilson, Precor, Atomic, Suunto, Acr’teryx, Mavic and Bonfire. Amer Sports Group develops and manufactures technically advanced products that improve the performance of active sports participants. The Group’s business is balanced by our broad portfolio of sports and our presence in all major markets. To support the tremendous business growth, Amer Sports Group has established a HK based sourcing office, Amer Sports Sourcing Limited, to lead all Asia sourcing operations of its brands. Amer Sports Asia Sourcing is now looking for high caliber candidates with a passion for sports to join and grow with the Company for below listed vacancy.
Sheencolor has been in cosmetics business for over 20 years. We are the one of the largest cosmetics manufacturer who based in south china.
世博科技股份有限公司成立於民國92年九月,是一家專賣音響相關器材的製造商,其主要的銷售產品有前級擴大機,後級擴大機,綜合擴大機,耳機擴大機,數位轉類比,電源供應器,唱頭放大機等。為台灣一擁有自有品牌名為電光火石的擴大機製造商。 世博公司以推動全球音響相關器材普及化為目標,並致力於台灣人自製研發設計,矢志成為受信賴之世界級音響器材製造服務公司。生產基地主要位於台灣北部工業區,臨近公司,以方便產品品質的管理。各產線產能完整且具彈性,可有效率生產全系列的產品,且全系列產品從研發到生產皆在台灣(MIT),品質具有一定的保證。世博公司總部設於台灣台北縣。 世博科技目前以自有品牌”電光火石(FireStone-Audio)”外銷到全世界,且經銷商遍及於世界各地如下: * 美國 * 加拿大 * 新加坡 * 日本 * 泰國 * 韓國 * 丹麥 * 英國 * 瑞典 * 法國 * 荷蘭 * 南非 ~歡迎有志青年一同加入本公司行列! *公司經營理念 以創新科技的全方面音響用品豐富人類的生活,傳遞讓你跟我都能感動的多元化的音樂,成為一提供享受的企業 *公司願景 立志成為公司員工、廠商、客戶及社會信賴與尊敬的世界級音響器材製造公司 * 2009 電光火石產品KORORA獲得日本銘機賞Audio Excellence Award 2009(AEx) * 2010 電光火石產品Fubar4 Plus獲得日本銘機賞Audio Excellence Award 2010(AEx) * 2010 電光火石產品Bigjoe3在泰國獲得Audiophile The Best of the year 2010
本公司為一個跨國企業之一環,國內外員工約100人,從事菲、泰國際金融業務,提供專業海外帳務代收服務,本公司一向秉持資源共享、專業經營及共同成長茁壯的理念,並不定期舉行教育訓練,增加員工競爭力,歡迎有衝勁、有抱負的您加入我們的行列。 Our company is a multinational enterprise, engaged in international financing both in Philippines and Thailand, provide collection service for professional overseas accounts. Our company aims to focus with the idea that sharing its resources and professional operation will lead to a healthy strong company. We conduct job training periodically to increase the competitiveness of our staff. Anyone with aggressive ambition is welcome to join our team.
In the field of professional casino products, MING Is equipments have been regarded as the best for more than 20 years since 1978. Competition has not affected the quality and popularity, and the reputation has been spread to many parts of the world. We specialize in manufacture of professional casino table accessories, and we principally take care of Blackjack, Baccarat, Poker, Roulette, Craps, Pai-Gow, Keno, and many kinds of table game accessories, like brass and stainless steel drink holder and ashtray, security drop boxes and tip boxes, dealer shoes, clay chips, chip tray, poker chip set, casino dice, cutting card, quality roulette balls, wheel checks, and solid brass win markers...etc.                                We are able to supply with any kind of equipment relating to gaming table according to a customer’s project. In our service you could submit some new ideas which will be converted into the final innovative product, which can improve the value of the game table, and also your companys good reputation. From the raw material, through a strict production process, we can obtain the finished quality product, and finally with the professional delivery services, you are going to have such as works of art like a perfect service experience, also to make a successful business to operate more smoothly.
PiiN品東西股份有限公司,成功的將品味生活美學當成事業的夢想生活實踐家,將Quality、Passion、Urban、Comfy的品牌概念注入PiiN品東西家居裡,同時以”品味東方優質文化、享受西方生活美學”的概念,創造一個以傳遞時尚生活品味氛圍的新東西方生活美學居家用品品牌。 歡迎對生活充滿熱情及具有時尚因子的優質青年,PiiN品東西家居為你準備好一個能夠近距離體驗品味生活及分享愉悅生活的優質工作環境,歡迎加入我們一同實踐夢想中的PiiN品東西家居。 代表了一種享受東西方生活美學的樂趣,從「品」─PiiN品牌標誌中的「ii」開始,「ii」代表著每一個家的不同的排列組合:男女、夫妻與小孩、單身新貴與寵物…,同時「品」也是PiiN的和與發音,代表著品味、品質、品牌,而「東」傳遞著東方風格與文化,「西」則延展著西方思維與時尚,如果同時運用西方文字West+East=WE來表現,更是一個融合世界地球村的概念,一種追求美好生活的態度,做自己生活的主宰「Be the master of your life」。 品東西家居希望可以成為生活美學的實踐家,帶領消費者共同創造居家生活樂趣,更不斷在尋找與思考生活品味的新視野,企圖將東方優質文化,融入西方生活美學氛圍當中,呈現當代人文美學,自在享受東西方不同的生活品味,回歸到讓「家」成為一個夢想的延續。品東西家居由全球各地20多個國家進口商品,銷售家具、家飾、家用品為主,主要銷售產品為家具、家飾、家用三個部分,內容包括:家具、寢具、家飾棉紡品、收納用品、廚房鍋具五金、衛浴美體、工作用品、園藝…等,並帶入許多國際知名的設計師精品,以「擁有傑出的當代設計與大眾化的訂價可以並行不悸」的經營理念,透過生活提案市的陳列與豐富愉快的購物環境,傳達源源不絕的生活靈感,鼓勵國人關心生活、勇於創造,打造自己的夢想生活。
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